Security Engineering
Security engineering, like other engineering disciplines, is a process that proceeds through concept, design, implementation, test, deployment, operation, maintenance, and decommission.
Throughout this process, our security engineers work closely with our clients and other members of the system engineering team. We believe that security is an integral part of the larger process, and not a separate and distinct activity. Using the information from the risk process and other information about system requirements, relevant laws, and policies, our security engineers work closely with our customers to identify security needs. Once needs are identified, our security engineers identify and track specific requirements, and recommend security solutions.
LCCCS follows a process which divides security engineering into three basic areas: risk, engineering, and assurance. While these areas are by no means independent from one another, it is possible to consider them separately. At the simplest level, the risk process identifies and prioritizes dangers inherent to the developed product or system. The security engineering process works with other engineering disciplines to determine and implement solutions to problems presented by dangers. Finally, the assurance process establishes confidence in the security solutions and conveys this confidence to the customers.